After the party: an interview with Wang Hui

Wang Hui and En Liang Khong 13. January 2014 The luminary of China’s emergent “New Left” speaks about the lessons of labour unrest, the Cultural Revolution...


by Aijaz Ahmad There is a large and now fairly old tradition of cultural criticism which addresses the issues of empire as well as the...

Spoilt for choice or spoilt by choice?

Renata Salecl Now that Australia has made its choice - sort of - The Philosopher's Zone looks as the very idea of choice. Much more...

Oligarchs, Demagogues, And Mass Revolts Against Democracy

By James Petras December 28, 2013 In ancient Rome, especially during the late Republic, oligarchs resorted to mob violence to block, intimidate, assassinate or drive from...


From consumer goods to romantic relationships, choice is celebrated as a means to greater liberalism and freedom. But some say an overload of options...

Post-Modern Spiritual New Age music

Deva Premal -(born in 1970 in Nürnberg, Germany) is a musician known for her meditative spiritual New Age music, which puts ancient Sanskrit mantras...

දේශපාලන කජු කෑම

සමාජ ක්‍රමයක් පවතින තැනින් ඊට වඩා උසස් තලයකට ඔසවා තැබීම යනු සංකීර්ණ ක්‍රියාදාමයකි. මේ යුගයේ බහුතරයක් දෙනා අපෙන් අසන සරළ ප්‍රශ්නය මෙච්චරයි. අපි දන්නවා...

“One of Our Greatest Coups”: The CIA & the Capture of Nelson Mandela

As South Africa prepares to hold a state funeral for Nelson Mandela, we look at how the CIA helped the South African government track...

Mandela’s Socialist Failure

By SLAVOJ ZIZEK In the last two decades of his life, Nelson Mandela was celebrated as a model of how to liberate a country from...

‘There Is a Clash of Civilizations’

French Philosopher Finkielkraut 'There Is a Clash of Civilizations' Interview Conducted by Mathieu von Rohr and Romain Leick French society is under threat, argues philosopher Alain Finkielkraut...

මොහාන්ගේ ඉලක්ක පාඨකයා විපරිතයෙක්

ඕනෑම ලේඛකයකුට ඉලක්ක පාඨකයකු සිටිය යුතුය. ඔහු හෝ ඇය ලියන්නේ එකී ඉලක්ක පාඨකයාගේ ආශාව වෙනුවෙනි. ලේඛකයාගේ (නවකතා කරුවාගේ) අභිප්‍රාය හඹා යමින් විචාර ලිවීම යල්...

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