එය එසේ නොවේ හා සිදු නොවිය යුතුයි
Parmenides notes that being is unique and there can not be two beings because if one is being, and the other is not the first, then it is non-being.
If A is the being, and B is not A, then B is non-being, that is, it is not. This reasoning prevented them from talking about institutions and led to the denial of becoming, which the ancients could not explain.
එය වන අතර, හැකි නොවේ එය නොවන බව
එය එසේ නොවේ හා සිදු නොවිය යුතුයි
Parmenides notes that being is unique and there can not be two beings because if one is being, and the other is not the first, then it is non-being.
If A is the being, and B is not A, then B is non-being, that is, it is not. This reasoning prevented them from talking about institutions and led to the denial of becoming, which the ancients could not explain.
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