It had been a practice for last 20 years many personal question about uncertainty of the Deepthi’s leadership existence. However as a rock he still dominates alternative politics. In intellectual capacity especially with middle class he reckon and shining as an ineffable star. I can’t imagine anybody who has brought innovative thinking to recent politics. Some of his milestones are as follows.
1. Justifying the introduction of Open economy in 1977
2. Middle class behavior.
3. Transnational capital behavior.
4. Current co-operate stagnation.
And many more People who have been testing Deepthi’ s knowledge should express their innovative creation through their knowledge. Unfortunately most of the people who left us had failed to do so. We do not hold anybody in person after their departure. They will be tested on their intellectual behavior by the discourse. Therefore their ultimate duty would be to perform better as an individual or member of a group rather than criticizing us.
Social astuteness.
Interpersonal influence.
Networking ability.
Thinking before speaking.
Managing up.
Apparent sincerity.
In addition, in a third world country which struggles to come up socially and economically, the leaders require knowledge on how the corporate sector works, middle class thinking, extensive English knowledge and social recognition. Unfortunately the competitors of Deepthi are always trying to defeat him by knowledge. We would like to mention to those that leadership does not rely on knowledge. Knowledge is an unquantified intangible. Knowledge exists with awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation. Leaders or kingpins do not evolve only through knowledge.
Past history lot personnel had to leave Deepthi due to lack of above elements. Unfortunately, some members came our way to improve their social recognition. They leave us after they realize once they achieve what they want. Some personnel we deliberately distance due to not falling off the requirement or caliber we looked at. Our journey was always a difficult one and few had adequate endurance to stick in. Our movement is based on passionate and voluntary efforts.
Now we have moved into a new era of politics, from now onwards things will be even more tough and challenging. All our carders require to double and triple their contribution. Hard working requires switching to smart working. In this process some members might leave us and some may add to our cadre fleet. If anybody does not fit our party we will not hesitate to remove them from their duties. All decisions would be made on the benefit of common interest.
In future our political platform will be with the middle class which is the most complicated segment. Right or left and alternate politicians ignore this segment due to lack of competence to integrate with their issues. After 20 years of rigorous politics we are confidently ready to deal with it. Since we had multiple challenges to achieve in so little time this will be the last state on their behalf.
Cooperate level human resource efficiency rely on hiring the people on correct time and removing them on right time. We have no intend to carry passengers. WE always value the historical work done by People who had to leave us. They have plenty of pathways to take up and always we wish them for their best. All we have to tell is our efforts are based on common interest and not on individual interests.
in normal web based literature and emails writing in capital letters means showing anger or shouting. In western companies/offices it is banned to write emails in capital letters. Sometimes to highlight a point one can publish a word or sentence in capital letters. But no one writes whole article in capital letters. It is difficult to read and it seems you are shouting at the reader.
Technical Error.
above comment was not a criticism of what was written.
Hey Plato don’t say bullshit!!
Bullshit is ok for Guys like Ajith.. what does Plato mean technicals error ? Like below::
The CSS text-transform Property
lowercase: makes all of the letters in the selected text lowercase.
uppercase: makes all of the letters in the selected text uppercase or ALL CAPS.
capitalize: capitalizes the first letter of each word in the selected text.
If want you can modify The HTML document by changing CSS properties! text-transform: lowercase;
Come to us darling and teach us.
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